Content Marketing Skills\s1. Copywriting

Shamsher Khan
4 min readApr 5, 2022

More likely than not, the vast majority of your position as a content marketer needs you to develop content that converts leads and drives sales. To achieve this well, you need to be a skilled copywriter.

However, it’s crucial to understand — copywriting for marketing objectives demands different talents than it could if you were writing for non-business purposes.

For one, copywriting course for a business takes a continual dedication to writing in a brand’s particular voice.

This can get particularly tricky if you’re a freelance content marketer who develops content for numerous firms and industries. However, it’s vital you learn the capacity to write in numerous styles based on the needs of a business.

For a sales blog, for instance, you might need to write short, brief, plain words, since salespeople are typically constrained for time and need responses fast.

Marketers, on the other hand, have a bit more time to appreciate writing for writing’s sake, so you can take the opportunity to utilise more creative, long-form sentences.

Additionally, how you write a video screenplay for an insurance firm varies dramatically from how you write social copy for an e-commerce site.

Developing a brand voice — and knowing how to adapt your writing style depending on business goals and audience persona — is a vital skill in content marketing.

2. Editing Skills
Along similar lines as copywriting, it’s crucial you become a good editor if you want to flourish as a content marketer.

Good, straightforward writing can be powerful enough to persuade cautious prospects to buy. And, on the flip side, cluttered, error-prone content could encourage new visitors and prospects to abandon your site entirely.

In summary, the skill to edit is the difference between average writing and captivating, engaging, high-converting content.

No pressure, right?

Learning content marketing online how to create content rapidly is a key ability of any content marketer, particularly if you’re responsible for providing content across a range of platforms for your brand. Editing, then, is a vital step for cleaning up your copy and making it sound as professional and polished as possible.

3. SEO Skills
This skill was a tough one for me to perfect, but it is crucial for ensuring my material ranks online and reaches the proper audience when they need it most.

As a content marketer, your responsibility isn’t merely to develop high-quality content. It’s also to develop content that turns readers, listeners, or spectators into customers.

And to achieve this, you need a fundamental understanding of SEO.

For instance, if you’re a content marketer who’s in charge of your company’s YouTube page, you’ll want to know how to conduct keyword research to discover what people are looking for on YouTube, and then write captivating, SEO-optimized titles and video descriptions to draw visitors to those videos.

Alternatively, as a blogger, you’ll need to know how to write SEO-optimized material — including utilising appropriate alt-text in your photos, using relevant keywords in your section headings, and intelligently inserting keywords throughout your content (rather than keyword-stuffing) (rather than keyword-stuffing).

Ultimately, SEO guarantees the information you work hard to develop gets presented to the correct audiences, at the right time. Without an SEO basis, then, it will be impossible to flourish as a content marketer.

4. A Talent for Interviewing
As a content marketer, you’re typically faced with developing content on unfamiliar or complex themes.

It can feel onerous to conduct the research necessary to develop an informed, helpful piece of content on a topic for which you’re a novice at best. This is where interviews may help you level up as a content marketer.

For instance, when I needed to write about Google’s rel=nofollow announcement last year, I knew I’d have a hard time establishing why it mattered to our readership if I didn’t speak to an SEO specialist. Which is why I interviewed my colleague, Victor Pan, to give expert advise and assist my readers comprehend the matter on a deeper level.

5. Time Management & Organization Skills
One of the most crucial qualities any content marketer can develop is the skill to stay organised even under tight deadlines.

Being a content marketer requires generating content on a constant, effective basis to ensure you’re reaching and converting audiences into leads for your sales team every month. As such, being organised and keeping to a content calendar that corresponds with your company’s goals is a vital component of your work.

Additionally, writing may grow taxing, so time management is vital for avoiding burnout. For instance, if you’re needed to write four blog articles each week, it will be useful if you can mark off time in your calendar for “Writing Time” during your peak productivity hours. Writing those four blog entries the night before they’re due will not set you up for content marketing success.

Consider implementing project management tools to keep your content structured as your team grows.

6. Data & Analytics Proficiency
Without the ability to examine the performance of your material, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to improve on your plan over time and attain new levels of growth.

A content marketer’s role requires them to be able to analyse industry trends, stay current on their audience’s preferences and behaviour, and then use that data to make strategic decisions and expand their brand’s reach.

When I first began writing for HubSpot’s blog, I was adamantly anti-data. I appreciated the creative process of content creation, and data felt diametrically opposed to that.

However, I understood over time that it made no difference how creative or unusual my writing was if no one read it.

This is where data entered the picture. It aided me in iterating on the types of content I was creating, selecting new themes to cover that I knew my audience would enjoy, and staying current on industry trends to ensure my material was matched with conversions occurring among marketers worldwide.

Finally, data is critical for developing a robust, effective content strategy.

These are just a handful of the abilities you’ll need to develop as a content marketer. Finally, the capacity to remain adaptable and determine the requirements of your own company’s particular goals is vital to long-term success as a content marketer.

